
Quit allowing Figma to be a hindrance; instead, it should empower you to thrive as a developer.

Sign me up

do you feel sick and tired of:

  1. not being able to get the information or the assets you need out of figma
  2. feeling like figma is magic and if you’re not careful, you’re going to mess up the entire project
  3. feeling slow and clunky inside figma

Quit allowing the tools to be a hindrance; instead, harness their power to enhance your abilities.



for Devs

Anim aliqua officia officia est reprehenderit exercitation exercitation occaecat eiusmod commodo minim aliquip. Lorem occaecat voluptate aliqua. Ipsum ipsum labore deserunt do.


by the end of this course,
you’ll know exactly how to...

Compass Emoji

Navigate Like a Pro

Anim aliqua officia officia est reprehenderit exercitation exercitation occaecat eiusmod commodo minim aliquip. Lorem occaecat voluptate aliqua. Ipsum ipsum labore deserunt do.

Muscle Emoji

Navigate Like a Pro

Anim aliqua officia officia est reprehenderit exercitation exercitation occaecat eiusmod commodo minim aliquip. Lorem occaecat voluptate aliqua. Ipsum ipsum labore deserunt do.

Nerd Emoji

Navigate Like a Pro

Anim aliqua officia officia est reprehenderit exercitation exercitation occaecat eiusmod commodo minim aliquip. Lorem occaecat voluptate aliqua. Ipsum ipsum labore deserunt do.

Like no
one else

Amy Dutton

What's Inside

Lesson 01
Lesson 02
Pages, frames, groups, and sections
Lesson 03
Shapes, pen tool, and vectors
Lesson 04
Lesson 05
Lesson 06
Scaling and resizing
Lesson 07
Text and text styles
Lesson 08
Color palettes and styles
Lesson 09
Lesson 10
Auto layer
Lesson 11
Grids and guides
Lesson 12
Creating a component
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Sharing a library
Lesson 16
Working with mobile (mirror)
Lesson 17
Plugins and resources
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Dev Mode
Lesson 20
Workflow and organizing
Lesson 21
Collaborating within Figma
Lesson 22

From This

To This

  • Eu nulla aute velit in et sunt pariatur consequat qui irure proident irure.
  • Nulla dolor aliqua consequat qui exercitation nostrud nisi aliqua labore occaecat et eu.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.
  • Eu nulla aute velit in et sunt pariatur consequat qui irure proident irure.
  • Nulla dolor aliqua consequat qui exercitation nostrud nisi aliqua labore occaecat et eu.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.

ready to get started?

Nisi amet ad adipisicing. Officia in fugiat in do. Voluptate ad culpa mollit adipisicing do pariatur nisi. Quis est nostrud esse commodo. Laborum et cupidatat sunt elit consectetur quis minim



  • 20+ Emails delivered to your inbox. Aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur mini.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.
Count me in!

Content + Video Tutorials

  • 20+ Emails delivered to your inbox. Aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur mini.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.
  • Reprehenderit ex ex aliquip culpa esse velit exercitation excepteur minim non.
Sign me up!

not sure if this is for you?

Money Back Gurantee

Oh yeah! By the time you get the first email, I want you to feel like $79 a steal of a deal. If you aren’t floored by the amount of value in the content you’ve received, email me directly amy@figmafordevs.com and I’ll be happy to issue a full refund.

what others are saying

Madeleine Work

Content Marketing Manager at Chili Piper

awesome product Damon!

⚡️ testimonials are helpful

⚡️⚡️ sign testimonials with link to the source are even better

⚡️⚡️⚡️ video testimonials are like testimonials on steroids!!!!

I’ve joined testimonial.to already

August 4, 2022

Madeleine Work

Content Marketing Manager at Chili Piper

Chili Piper just implemented our Wall of Love using Testimonial. So far the results have been 🔥🔥🔥. Check it out.

August 4, 2022

David Miranda

Founder, Remake

Testimonials are essential for any product launch. If you build products or design landing pages, definitely add this to your stack. It’Il make launching/promoting your product so much easier!

August 4, 2022

David Miranda

Founder, Remake

Ut consequat enim commodo culpa incididunt nostrud. Aute excepteur deserunt voluptate quis non commodo dolore. Consequat sit consectetur excepteur ex voluptate non minim. Exercitation voluptate veniam ut culpa excepteur. Consectetur ex non tempor anim culpa incididunt ad irure aliqua incididunt ad velit. Lorem qui labore magna exercitation officia.

August 4, 2022

David Miranda

Founder, Remake

Testimonials are essential for any product launch. If you build products or design landing pages, definitely add this to your stack. It’Il make launching/promoting your product so much easier!

August 4, 2022

Madeleine Work

Content Marketing Manager at Chili Piper

awesome product Damon!

⚡️ testimonials are helpful

⚡️⚡️ sign testimonials with link to the source are even better

⚡️⚡️⚡️ video testimonials are like testimonials on steroids!!!!

I’ve joined testimonial.to already

August 4, 2022

David Miranda

Founder, Remake

Testimonials are essential for any product launch. If you build products or design landing pages, definitely add this to your stack. It’Il make launching/promoting your product so much easier!

August 4, 2022

David Miranda

Founder, Remake

Testimonials are essential for any product launch. If you build products or design landing pages, definitely add this to your stack. It’Il make launching/promoting your product so much easier!

August 4, 2022

Hey! I'm Amy

I speak 2 languages:
design & development

I’m a Lead Maintainer on the RedwoodJS core team 🌲. I have over 20 years of web experience, officially making me a granny 👵 in Internet years. I live right outside of Nashville, TN with my husband 👨, 3 adorable kids 👦👧👧, and 2 dogs 🐶🐶. If I’m not sitting in front of my computer making things, I’m hanging out with family and friends. I love streaming all the things 📺, playing cards ♠️, reading 📚, and drinking coffee ☕. Lots of coffee. ☕☕☕

frequently asked questions

Do you provide a certificate of completion?

Yes. When you finish the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion through Podia.

I have a question, can I email you?

Certainly! The best place to reach me is support[at]figmafordevs.com.

Ahh! Help!! I lost my welcome email!

No worries! Please email support support[at]figmafordevs.com.

What tools do you use?

I work off a shiny 16” M2 MacBook Pro. 😍 For design work, I use Figma. For development, I use VS Code. I also like Warp and Tower.

Do you offer a student discount?

Sure do! Fill out this form.

What format are the lessons in?

You’ll receive an email with each lesson’s content. Emails are set to send out 1 each day, taking the weekends off, but, you can can also self pace and request the next email early. You’ll receive a login to Podia. This is where we’re hosting all of our course content.

What if I hate this?

We certainly hope that’s not the case, but if you do, reach out to us at support[at]learninemail.com and we’ll be happy to give you a full refund.

Can I upgrade?

That’s great! Of course. Email support[at]figmainemail.com using the email address you used to purchase the Starter Tier to and we’ll send you a code for upgrading. Essentially, you’ll pay the difference from what you paid for the Starter tier to the price of Complete at the time you upgrade. This means that unless there’s still a discount on Complete, you won’t get a discounted upgrade.

What font / color scheme / editor / terminal is that?

I use the font Dank Mono. It costs ~$32 USD. But, I like it because it has ligatures specific for coding. If you’re looking for something free, Fira Code is a great alternative, with a lot of the same features.

I’m using VS Code with the Night Owl Theme.

In general, I like to use the Terminal that’s built into VS Code. But, if I need to reach for something else, I use Warp.

I found a typo or bug

Yikes! Please let us know at support[at]figmafordevs.com

I need an invoice

We use Gumroad to handle all our payments. Here’s a link to their documentation explaining how to generate an invoice.

What other courses or challenges do you have?

Nisi amet ad adipisicing. Officia in fugiat in do. Voluptate ad culpa mollit adipisicing do pariatur nisi. Quis est nostrud esse commodo. Laborum et cupidatat sunt elit consectetur quis minim

Can I redistribute these and charge money for them?

Nisi amet ad adipisicing. Officia in fugiat in do. Voluptate ad culpa mollit adipisicing do pariatur nisi. Quis est nostrud esse commodo. Laborum et cupidatat sunt elit consectetur quis minim

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